Thursday, November 3, 2011

Words Are Magical or The Lingering Funk

As a writer, I have the utmost respect for words.  Words are magical.  They can inspire love, anger, hatred, forgiveness, hilarity - the list goes on endlessly.  There are seven times more words in the English language than in French (they definitely got the short end of the stick on that one!).  The Japanese have one word for both foot and leg - must make it awkward when visiting the doctor. 

I visited the doctor today.  My karmic punishment for taking care of my sick husband?  Not only catching his cold, but upgrading it to a sinus infection.  My doctor labeled it The Lingering Funk.  Immediately my brain went into overdrive.  Sure, it was the perfect description of my hacking cough and stuffiness. 

But...the words could also describe that stench in my back yard I used awaken to that said skunks partied there overnight.  Or the depression that lingers after eating an entire carton of ice cream in one sitting post-breakup.  A biochemist who studied and named vitamins (okay, I had to look that one up, but it's true!).  Or the most kick-ass name ever for a jazz group.

So yes, I walked out of that doctor's office still sniffly, but also jazzed by the wonderous possibilities of words.  I like the musicality of my Lingering Funk.  Now it's your turn.  What phrases set your mind spinning?


  1. Great post, Christi. LOL about skunks that party. Your blog looks aweseome and I look forward to stopping by often. Good work! :)Joya

  2. Love the new blog, Christi! Congrats!

  3. Congratulations on the new Blog Christi. As a fellow Wordie, I offer an evocative string of words:

    You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    ~Max Ehrmann~ Desiderata

    :) Rose Anderson

  4. Some band needs to snap that up now!

  5. Congrats on the new solo blog, Christi; looks great!

    LOL---Ive always said that skunks PROVE that God has a lopsided sense of humor!

    hugs, Kari Thomas,

  6. Nice solo, Christi. Hope you feel better.

  7. Love the breezy look.
    So, the phrase I can't stop giggling about is "Get stuffed." from Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan series. It is used throughout by a 15 year old girl posing as a boy--she takes on all sorts of cursing as an air force Midshipman in the 1914--but this line ends up being a great punch line when her secret is discovered.
    Yep, I like words, too.
