romantic Ivy
the pleasure of your company for
disaster of a courtship

Bennett Westcott can admit that he didn’t handle his
encounter with Ivy very well. But looking at her beautiful smile—and, okay, great
body—through the lens of a camera every day? He can’t be faulted for suggesting
they have a little no-strings fun.
The more time Bennett and Ivy spend together, the more he
realizes that Ivy isn’t the wedding-crazed bridezilla he’d imagined. But if he
doesn’t trust himself to make a relationship last, how can he convince Ivy to
give him another chance?
Here's a peek to suck you right into the story:
“I want to taste you, Ivy.” The
scrape of his feet against the stones came to a halt. A gentle nudge with his
forehead tipped her head back. Their eyes locked. “Why don’t we get a jump on
the inevitable? Because I don’t want to wait another moment.”
Ivy had a split second to decide.
Stick to her guns—and her professional ethics—and slip out of his arms? Or stay
and lock lips with a super sexy man in the moonlight? Really, it was easiest to
not decide at all. Her eyelids drifted shut as she waited for Ben to make his
move. And waited. Nothing happened. She peeked out from beneath her lashes to
see the merest hint of a smirk lifting the edges of Ben’s mouth. Her eyes flew
open the rest of the way.
“What? What happened to the
tasting and the moment?”
“The moment’s not right until you
decide to commit to it. I promised earlier I wouldn’t steal any more kisses
from you. Kissing is interactive. A two-way street. You’ve got to choose to
slide behind the wheel and turn the key.”
Why did men turn everything in life
into a car metaphor? Well, she could play along. Despite showing every sign of
being something of a player, Ben had shown her, with that one little pause,
that he also had bucket loads of integrity. No sane, single woman could turn
down an honest to goodness gentleman. They were a rare breed, and she didn’t
intend to waste this particular chance sighting. Time to seize the day...or at
least what was left of the night.
“Oh, my motor’s fully revved.
You’d better buckle your seatbelt, Mr. Westcott.”
Ivy tightened her grip around his
neck and went up on her tiptoes to reach his mouth. The mouth she’d stared at
off and on all day, remembering the firm albeit brief feel of his lips against
hers. He wasn’t the only one who wanted a taste. She puckered up and planted a
soft kiss. And then Ben quite expertly elbowed his way back into the driver’s
His lips slanted hard across
hers, instantly ratcheting the level of heat up from tender to full on sizzle.
This was no getting-to-know-you smooch. Ben claimed her mouth with possessive
pressure. His teeth nibbled open her lips, allowing his tongue to sweep inside.
Her moan of pleasure was all the urging he needed to slide his hands down to
not only cup her ass, but lift her off the ground.
Ivy’s world spun. Under the spell
of the spring night, she’d yearned for nothing more than a touch, a quiet kiss.
She’d wanted a sip of water to slake her lustful thirst. Instead, Ben’s kisses
drowned her in a downpour of passion and heat. The arch of her foot curved
around his calf, looking for something to ground her. Each stroke of his tongue
ignited an array of sparks behind her closed eyes. He tore his mouth away but
hovered his lips a breath away from hers. Eyes heavy lidded, he moved not at
all, aside from the pounding of his heart thumping through his tuxedo shirt.
Suddenly, she realized what he waited to hear.
“Okay, Ben. You’ve convinced me
to have a drink with you.”
A hum of approval sounded low in
his throat. He buried his face in the curve of her neck. And then from somewhere
behind them, a short high gasp, and the unmistakable crash of glass breaking on
the stone floor. Ben’s grip bobbled, but he didn’t drop her.
“Get your hands off my friend’s ass right now, or I’ll
call in someone a lot bigger than me to make you.”
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